Teacher’s Instruction: Please allow students to share their thoughts or answers after every idiom, slang, and question. By having them speak out, their understanding deepens, and it makes learning a lot more enjoyable!
This is a specific lesson request for one of our students. Please consider the following points during the lesson:
- Student Characteristics
- The student tends to struggle with expressing their own opinions.
- Please focus on encouraging them to share their thoughts as much as possible.
- Specific Teaching Methods
- Guiding Questions About the Blog
- Ask how they felt about the blog, what similarities or differences they see between the blog and their own life, and guide the conversation from there.
- If the student struggles to answer, provide hints or rephrase your questions to make it easier for them to respond.
- Summary and Vocabulary Usage
- Have the student briefly summarize what the blog was about.
- If there are any unfamiliar words, explain their meanings and ask the student to create sentences using those words.
- Guiding Questions About the Blog
- Lesson Goals
- Help the student gradually build confidence in expressing their opinions.
- Create a supportive and enjoyable learning environment throughout the lesson.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Japan support team. Thank you for your cooperation in helping the student improve!
Section 1: The Morning Rush – Getting Ready for School
Hey there, superstar! Ever wondered what it’s like to be a kid in America getting ready for school? Well, let me tell you! Imagine waking up early, and your mom or dad says, “Hey, time to get up! Don’t be late for the bus!” You jump out of bed, put on your favorite T-shirt, grab your backpack, and have a quick breakfast—maybe some cereal or pancakes. Yum!
When the yellow school bus comes, you hop on with your friends. Everyone’s talking about what they’re going to do at school. It’s super fun to chat with friends on the bus, right? The morning is all about getting pumped up for an exciting day ahead!
Jack always has his favorite cereal in the morning. His mom, Sarah, makes sure he’s ready, and his sister, Lily, often follows him around, trying to copy everything he does. When the school bus arrives, Jack and Emily wave to Max, who waits at the next stop. It’s all about starting the day with a lot of get up and go!
Slang: Get up and go
Hey, when you get up in the morning, you need a lot of get up and go to start your day, especially if you want to make it to the bus on time and have some fun with your friends!
Meaning: To have energy and enthusiasm to start the day.
Example: “After a good breakfast, I had my get up and go ready for school!”
Questions and Sample Answers
Q1: What do American kids do when they wake up for school?
A1: They get dressed, have breakfast, and get ready to catch the school bus!
Q2: What color is the school bus in America?
A2: It’s yellow!
Q3: How do kids feel on the way to school?
A3: They’re getting pumped up for an exciting day!
Idiom: Getting pumped up
Meaning: To get excited and ready for something.
Example: “I was getting pumped up for my first day of school!”
セクション1: 朝の慌ただしさ – 学校への準備
スラング: Get up and go
朝起きたら、一日を始めるにはたくさんの「get up and go(やる気とエネルギー)」が必要だよね、とくにバスに間に合って友達と楽しい時間を過ごしたいときは!
意味: 一日を始めるためのエネルギーとやる気。 例: 「しっかり朝ごはんを食べたら、学校へ行くためのやる気とエネルギーが湧いてきたよ!」
Q1: アメリカの子どもたちは学校に行くために起きたら何をしますか?
A1: 服を着替えて、朝ごはんを食べて、スクールバスに乗る準備をします!
Q2: アメリカのスクールバスは何色ですか?
A2: 黄色です!
Q3: 子どもたちは学校に行く途中どんな気持ちですか?
A3: ワクワクして楽しみな気持ちです!
イディオム: Getting pumped up
意味: 何かに対してワクワクして準備ができていること。
Section 2: Lunchtime Fun – Eating with Friends
Lunchtime is one of the best parts of the day! Imagine sitting with all your friends at a big table in the cafeteria. You’ve got your lunchbox packed with a sandwich, some fruit, and maybe even a cookie. Yum! Everyone’s laughing and talking about their favorite games or what they’re going to do after school.
Jack loves trading snacks with Emily. Sometimes, Jack will give Emily his apple for her chips. It’s all about sharing and having a good time. Max likes to watch Jack and Emily and sometimes joins in. Lunchtime is like having a little party every day, and it’s the best time to chill with friends.
Slang: Chill
During lunch, it’s the best time to chill with friends. You can just relax, share snacks, and have fun talking about all sorts of cool stuff.
Meaning: To relax and hang out.
Example: “Lunchtime is the perfect time to chill with friends!”
Questions and Sample Answers
Q1: What do kids do during lunchtime?
A1: They sit with friends, eat lunch, and talk about fun stuff!
Q2: What might kids trade during lunch?
A2: They might trade snacks, like apples for chips.
Q3: Why is lunchtime fun?
A3: It’s like having a little party with friends, which is super awesome!
Slang: Awesome
Lunchtime with friends is always awesome! There’s nothing better than hanging out, eating yummy food, and laughing together.
Meaning: Something really great or cool.
Example: “Lunchtime with my friends is always awesome!”
セクション2: ランチタイムの楽しみ – 友達と一緒に食べる
スラング: Chill
意味: リラックスして過ごすこと、一緒に過ごすこと。 例: 「ランチタイムは友達とリラックスするのにぴったりの時間です!」
Q1: 子どもたちはランチタイムに何をしますか?
A1: 友達と一緒に座ってランチを食べて、楽しいことについて話します!
Q2: 子どもたちはランチタイムに何を交換することがありますか?
A2: リンゴをチップスと交換するなど、おやつを交換することがあります。
Q3: なぜランチタイムは楽しいのですか?
A3: 友達と小さなパーティーをしているようで、とても素晴らしいからです!
スラング: Awesome
意味: とても素晴らしい、すごくクールなこと。 例: 「友達とのランチタイムはいつも素晴らしいよ!」
Section 3: Recess Adventures – Playing Outside
After lunch, it’s time for recess! Recess is when all the kids get to go outside and play. Some kids play soccer, some play tag, and others just hang out and talk. It’s all about having fun and burning off some energy before going back to class.
Ethan, Jack’s older cousin, sometimes comes by after school to play soccer with Jack and Max. During recess, Jack and Emily love racing each other, while Lily likes to climb on the jungle gym. It’s the perfect time to goof off and just have fun with everyone!
Slang: Goof off
When it’s recess, it’s time to goof off! You can play games, run around, or just have a great time with your friends without worrying about anything. That’s what makes recess so awesome!
Meaning: To play around and have fun without being serious.
Example: “During recess, we all like to goof off and just have a great time!”
Questions and Sample Answers
Q1: What do kids do during recess?
A1: They play games like soccer, tag, or just hang out and have fun.
Q2: Why do kids love recess?
A2: Because they get to let loose and play with friends!
Q3: What’s one fun thing to do during recess?
A3: Climbing on the jungle gym or playing tag is super fun!
Idiom: Let loose
Meaning: To relax and have fun without worrying.
Example: “During recess, we all let loose and had a blast!”
セクション3: 休み時間の冒険 – 外で遊ぶ
スラング: Goof off
休み時間は「goof off(ふざけて遊ぶ)」する時間です!ゲームをしたり、走り回ったり、ただ友達と楽しい時間を過ごしたりすることができます。何も心配することなく楽しむこと、それが休み時間の素晴らしいところです!
意味: 真面目にならずに遊んで楽しむこと。 例: 「休み時間中、みんなでふざけて遊んで楽しい時間を過ごしたよ!」
Q1: 子どもたちは休み時間に何をしますか?
A1: サッカーや鬼ごっこをしたり、ただ友達と過ごして楽しんだりします。
Q2: 子どもたちが休み時間を好きなのはなぜですか?
A2: 友達と一緒に自由に遊べるからです!
Q3: 休み時間にする楽しいことの一つは何ですか?
A3: ジャングルジムに登ったり、鬼ごっこをすることはとても楽しいです!
イディオム: Let loose
意味: 心配せずにリラックスして楽しむこと。