





Let’s share the lesson.レッスンを共有いたします。
Please watch the video every day when you have free time.毎日すきま時間に動画をご視聴ください。

K1幼稚園初級 教材 宿題
K2幼稚園中級 教材 宿題
E1小学生初級 教材 宿題
E2小学生中級 教材

K1-Kinder Class

・Time allocation when one frame is 35minutes


1: 5 minutes Greetings
1: 5分 挨拶
Opening music:

2: 5min Dance

1・PDF: Dance English conversation instruction
・PDF: ダンスイングリッシュの会話文の指導

2・Video: Dance together with dance English videos

3: 10min Main: Magic Garden

1.PDF: Shadowing, try memorization. Also teaches the meaning in Japanese
PDF: シャドーイングでインプット指導。日本語での意味も教える。
2・Practice in pairs or form a circle
3・Video: Shadowing together while watching videos
Video: 動画を見ながらみんなでシャドーイング

※Don’t rush through the lessons. so you will need to review it several times.
Lessons 1 to 2 will be taught until the 3rd week, and the 4th week will be a review.
How to review: Have students work in pairs and practice dialogue while showing the PDF with Japanese translation in order starting from lesson 1. You don’t have to use video.


Please chose 4 or 4-2.
4: 10 min phonics ABC
4: 10分 フォニックス アルファベット

1・Shadowing instruction in PDF.
2・Practice conversation in a circle.
3・Shadowing while watching videos.

4・Writing : Make sure students bring their notebooks, and if they forget, give them copy paper.
Have students write in their notebooks using the screen displayed on the projector as a reference. At that time, the two teachers will support each student individually. 

A to Z ALL Work book for Writing: PDF
1st week

4-2: Level2:Vowel Phonics PDF
4: 10分 母音のフォニックス

Chose 5 or6 for each class.

5: 5min: A.1-2 Jido EIken
5 : 5分 児童英検


6: 5min: Basic Question and answer
Basic Conversation Pictures0 PDF
Basic Conversation Only Pictures PDF
Basic Conversation Pictures1 PDF

7: 5min
Finally, dance video and greetings

Hokey Pokey Song-First month

1. PDF: Shadowing instruction in PDF
2. Video: Shadowing while dancing videos


1:Phonics Song [ S – Z]Video
2:Dance English#3VideoPDF
2-2:Hello! Kids Greeting SongVideo
1W&2W: Unit4VideoPDF
3W&4W: Unit5VideoPDF
Next month:Unit6VideoPDF
Chose 4 or 4-2 for each group
4:A to Z Phonics ALL Writing
1W: A1-5E PhonicsVideoPDF宿題HW1E宿題HW2E
2W: A1-6F PhonicsVideoPDF宿題HW1F宿題HW2F
3W: A1-7G PhonicsVideoPDF宿題HW1G宿題HW2G
4W: A1-8H PhonicsVideoPDF宿題HW1G宿題HW2G
Next month :A1-9I PhonicsVideoPDF宿題HW1G宿題HW2G
Next month A1-10JPhonicsVideoPDF宿題HW1G宿題HW2G
If you use 4,Please skip 4-2.
4-2:Level2:Vowel Phonics
1W: 7. ONLY “l”VideoPDF宿題HW7
2W: 8.ONLY “m”Same as aboveSame as above宿題HW8
3W: 9.ONLY “n”VideoPDF宿題HW9
4W: 9.ONLY “p”Same as aboveSame as above宿題HW10
next month 11&12r&mVideoPDF宿題HW11宿題HW12
4-3:Phonics By Andrew PDFnot yet
5:A1-2 Jido eiken
W1: 2-2 ST VideoPDFPrint印刷
W2: 3-1 ST VideoPDFPrint印刷
W3: 3-2 ST VideoPDFPrint印刷
W4: 4-1 ST VideoPDFPrint印刷
Next month:Lesson4-2VideoPDFPrint印刷
6:5m: Basic Question&answerlevel0Level1Level1pic
7:5m: Bye Bye GoodbyeVideo

宿題 Home Work



K2-Kinder Class


1:Phonics Song [ S – Z]Video
1-2:Chose 1or2 Chats Song Video
2:Dance English#3VideoPDF
1W&2W: Unit4VideoPDF
3W&4W: Unit5VideoPDF
Next month:Unit6VideoPDF
4:Level2:Vowel Phonics
1W: 7. ONLY “l”VideoPDF宿題HW7
2W: 8.ONLY “m”Same as aboveSame as above宿題HW8
3W: 9.ONLY “n”VideoPDF宿題HW9
4W: 9.ONLY “p”Same as aboveSame as above宿題HW10
next month 11&12r&mVideoPDF宿題HW11宿題HW12
4-2:PDF Andrew’s A1-4Phonics
1W: 9SVideoPDF(Text)Print印刷
2W: 10ZVideosame as abovePrint印刷
3W: 11LVideoTEST2 (Text)Print印刷
4W: 12RVideosame as abovePrint印刷
Next month13HVideoPDF(Text)Print印刷
5:A1-3 英検準備
Lesson4 A1-3VideoPDFPrint印刷
Lesson5 A1-3VideoPDFPtint印刷
Lesson6 A1-3VideoPDFPrint印刷
Lesson7 A1-3VideoPDFPrint印刷
Next month Lesson8 A1-3VideoPDFPrint印刷
6:5m: Basic Question&answerLevel1
7:5m: Bye Bye GoodbyeVideo

宿題 Home Work


Level2 Phonics フォニックス
Week1週目 宿題HW7 Video
Week2週目 宿題HW8 1週目と同じ動画
Week3週目 宿題HW9 Video
Week4週目 宿題HW10 3週目と同じ動画
Nextmonth来月1週目 宿題HW11 Video

E1-Elementary Class


1: 5 minutes Greetings
1: 5分 挨拶
Opening music:

2: 5min Dance

1・PDF: Dance English conversation instruction
・PDF: ダンスイングリッシュの会話文の指導

2・Video: Dance together with dance English videos
・ ダンスイングリッシュ動画で一緒にダンス

3: 15min Main: English Safari1

1.PDF: Shadowing, try memorization. Also teaches the meaning in Japanese
PDF: シャドーイングでインプット指導。日本語での意味も教える。
2・Practice in pairs or form a circle
3・Video: Shadowing together while watching videos

Video: 動画を見ながらみんなでシャドーイング

※Don’t rush through the lessons. so you will need to review it several times.
Lessons 1 to 2 will be taught until the 3rd week, and the 4th week will be a review.
How to review: Have students work in pairs and practice dialogue while showing the PDF with Japanese translation in order starting from lesson 1. You don’t have to use video.


Please chose 4 or 4-2.
4: 10 min phonics ABC
10分 フォニックス アルファベット

1・Shadowing instruction in PDF.
2・Practice conversation in a circle.
3・Shadowing while watching videos.

4・Writing : Make sure students bring their notebooks, and if they forget, give them copy paper.
Have students write in their notebooks using the screen displayed on the projector as a reference. At that time, the two teachers will support each student individually. 

A to Z ALL Work book for Writing: PDF


4-2: Level2:Vowel Phonics PDF
ALL 1&2 3&4 5&6 7&8 9&10 11&12 13&14

Chose 5 or6 for each class.

5: 5min: A.1-2 Jido EIken
5 : 5分 児童英検


6: 5min: Basic Question and answer
Basic Conversation Pictures0 PDF
Basic Conversation Only Pictures PDF
Basic Conversation Pictures1 PDF

If we don& have time, Please skip and go to 4:.

7: 5min
Finally, dance video and greetings

1. PDF: Shadowing instruction in PDF.

2. Video: Shadowing while dancing videos



1:Phonics Song [ S – Z]Video
2:Dance English#3VideoPDF
2-2:Hello How Are YouVideo
1W&2W: Unit4VideoPDF
3W&4W: Unit5VideoPDF
Next month:Unit6VideoPDF
Chose 4 or 4-2 for each group
4:A to Z Phonics ALL Writing
1W: A1-5E PhonicsVideoPDF宿題HW1E宿題HW2E
2W: A1-6F PhonicsVideoPDF宿題HW1F宿題HW2F
3W: A1-7G PhonicsVideoPDF宿題HW1G宿題HW2G
4W: A1-8H PhonicsVideoPDF宿題HW1H宿題HW2H
Next month :A1-9I PhonicsVideoPDF宿題HW1L宿題HW2L
Next month A1-10JPhonicsVideoPDF宿題HW1J宿題HW2J
If you use 4,Please skip 4-2.
4-2:Level2:Vowel Phonicsかえる
1W: 7. ONLY “l”VideoPDF宿題HW7
2W: 8.ONLY “m”Same as aboveSame as above宿題HW8
3W: 9.ONLY “n”VideoPDF宿題HW9
4W: 10.ONLY “p”Same as aboveSame as above宿題HW10
next month 11&12r&mVideoPDF宿題HW11宿題HW12
4-3:Phonics By Andrew PDFnot yet
5:A1-2 Jido eiken
W1: 2-2 STVideoPDFPrint印刷
W2: 3-1 STVideoPDFPrint印刷
W3: 3-2 STVideoPDFPrint印刷
W4: 4-1 ST VideoPDFPrint印刷
Next month:Lesson4-2VideoPDFPrint印刷
6:5m: Basic Question&answerlevel0Level1Level1pic
7:Fruit SongVideo
7-2:See You Later, AlligatorVideo

宿題 Home Work


Week1週目 宿題HW1E 宿題HW2E Video
Week2週目 宿題HW1F 宿題HW2F Video
Week3週目 宿題HW1G 宿題HW2G Video
Week4週目 宿題HW1H 宿題HW2H Video
Nextmonth来月1週目 宿題HW1 I 宿題HW2 I Video

E2-Elementary Class


1: 5 minutes Greetings
1: 5分 挨拶
Opening music:

2: 5min Dance English
1・PDF: Dance English conversation instruction
・PDF: ダンスイングリッシュの会話文の指導

2・Video: Dance together with dance English videos

4: 15min Main: English Safari2

1.PDF: Shadowing, try memorization. Also teaches the meaning in Japanese
PDF: シャドーイングでインプット指導。日本語での意味も教える。
2・Practice in pairs or form a circle
3・Video: Shadowing together while watching videos

Video: 動画を見ながらみんなでシャドーイング

※Don’t rush through the lessons. so you will need to review it several times.
Lessons 1 to 2 will be taught until the 3rd week, and the 4th week will be a review.
How to review: Have students work in pairs and practice dialogue while showing the PDF with Japanese translation in order starting from lesson 1. You don’t have to use video.


Please chose 4 or 4-2.
4-2: 10 min Consonant phonics
4: 10分 子音フォニックス、単語&センテンス

1・Shadowing instruction in PDF.
2・Practice conversation in a circle.
3・Shadowing while watching videos.

4・Writing : Make sure students bring their notebooks, and if they forget, give them copy paper.
Have students write in their notebooks using the screen displayed on the projector as a reference. At that time, the two teachers will support each student individually. 


5: A.1-3 Pre EIKEN 5th
A.1-3 英検準備


If we don& have time, Please skip and go to 7:.

6: 5min: Basic Question and answer
Basic Conversation Only Pictures PDF
Basic Conversation Pictures1 PDF

7: 5min
Finally, dance video and greetings
1. PDF: Shadowing instruction in PDF.
2. Video: Shadowing while dancing videos


1:Chose 1or2 Chats Song Video
2:10m:Dance EnglishPDFVideo
1W&2W: Unit4VideoPDF
3W&4W: Unit5VideoPDF
Next month:Unit6VideoPDF
4:Level2:Vowel Phonics
1W: 7. ONLY “l”VideoPDF宿題HW7
2W: 8.ONLY “m”Same as aboveSame as above宿題HW8
3W: 9.ONLY “n”VideoPDF宿題HW9
4W: 9.ONLY “p”Same as aboveSame as above宿題HW10
next month 11&12r&mVideoPDF宿題HW11宿題HW12
4-2:Andrew’s A1-4Phonics
1W: 9SVideoPDF(Text)Print印刷
2W: 10ZVideosame as abovePrint印刷
3W: 11LVideoTEST2(Text)Print印刷
4W: 12RVideosame as abovePrint印刷
Next month13HVideoPDF(Text)Print印刷
5:A1-3 英検準備
1W: Lesson5 VideoPDFWork sheet
2W: Lesson6VideoPDFWork sheet
3W: Lesson7VideoPDFWork sheet
4W: Lesson8VideoPDFWork sheet
Next month Lesson9VideoPDFWork sheet
6:5m: Basic Q&ALevel1Level2
7:Song:See You Later, AlligatorVideo

宿題 Home Work


Level2 Phonics フォニックス
Week1週目 宿題HW7 Video
Week2週目 宿題HW8 1週目と同じ動画
Week3週目 宿題HW9 Video
Week4週目 宿題HW10 3週目と同じ動画
Nextmonth来月1週目 宿題HW11 Video

Thank you !
